About Sequium Asset Solutions, LLC

Technology-driven, forward-thinking recovery solutions for improved portfolio performance.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide customized recovery solutions for distressed and non-performing accounts receivable portfolios that deliver unparalleled bottom-line results for our creditor clients and exceptional customer experiences for consumers.

A confident group of business professionals posed for a photograph

Leadership Team

Our management team is composed of experienced professionals with deep industry relationships and extensive expertise. We understand the criticality of secure, compliant operations and data management. Our strong knowledge of the accounts receivable management industry, our senior management, and premium suite of technology platforms and IT experts create a highly competitive and cost-effective recovery avenue for our clients. We provide our clients with a single point of contact and ongoing communication regarding KPI and additional performance metrics.

Charitable Involvement

Our goal is to give back to our communities while promoting teamwork within our staff. The culture of our workplace is important to us and we know that happy employees are those who feel engaged at work and beyond. We offer our employees opportunities to get involved in charitable causes that are important to them and that are working to create a better community and better world for everyone.

Learn more about our services and how we can help your business.